Shhh... gamecubicle!
a classic game here tom :)
Shhh... gamecubicle!
a classic game here tom :)
pretty crap
theres not enough to do, and you don't get enough choice over what your pet looks like. you could have at least let us name it :-/
i scored 1800
yay for me :D but mario's voice annoys me >_<
Great game
The game was very well made but Damn, the main charatcer sounds like hes 10
lol it was me last year xP
this isn't an emulator, Prove its an emulator :p
That is very easy to prove actually. The emulator has a debugger (rightmost button on the menu bar) displaying the instructions being interpreted. You can compare that with CHIP8 documentation or with other CHIP8 emulators. You will also find that this emu supports SCHIP8 as well. Granted, the games look old, but that's because they are old (some of them from the 70s).
a piece of shit
if you ever wanted to shoot gay steel workers with no shirt on and a bowl cut this is your game, if you have any decency you won't play this piece of shit
pointless, but fun.
I'm gonna add this to my flashes
well done! although this script has beeen floating around the bbs for a while now.
More like tied to a cement block and thrown into the BBS.
the cursor is awful
the cursor lags, make it better or remove it. please :)
Dude, i play this on my calculator!
When i'm in maths class, i usually Make a 1+1 calculation on my calculator and keep hitting =. Its basicly this game but on a calculator, one time i got up to 6000 but then the bell went :p anyway cool game, well done.
Sheffield, UK
Joined on 9/17/04