The other week I exhibited my games at Owls Interactive, an eSports event hosted at the Sheffield Wednesday Football ground. Whilst eSports was the focus, they also invited some indie game devs along to showcase their work and chat to the guests about game development in general.
This was my set up for the day. I primarily had Gravoor Infinity set up for people to have a go on but I also had Sunday Drive and a version of Pumpkin's Sky Tea which was just the shooter sections available for whenever I got sick of Gravoor and needed a break from talking about it haha. We'd been told to keep the content family friendly so that took some games off the table, but later in the day I decided to put on Politics anyway which got some huge laughs from people.
Those who follow me on social media might have seen that I posted some images of games I'm working on before the event. This was mostly so I had things to talk about for the future on the day, but I figued I would also share those plans here with you guys and talk a little about each project...
First up is Pumpkin's Sky Blast!!
This game will be a sequel to Pumpkin's Sky Tea which is more of a traditional horizontal shooter than the first. Instead of randomised enemy spawning the stages will be designed and there will be new elements such as weapon upgrades and boss fights. I also intend to implement a 2 player mode.
Politics 2 is due out before the US Presidential Elections. @hs2band have more songs we did not implement into the original title, and with the US elections coming up this year too it seemed like a no-brainer to develop a sequel.
MÆRE II is the project I am most excited about this year. It is a sequel to MÆRE except where the original was a jam game made in a week I'm spending some time to really polish this one. For starters, the game will not be scripted this time and the ghosts will appear at random. This means that no two play throughs will be the same. You can also lose in this one, so its less of a "ride" this time.
One of the things that I think makes this game so scary is that the nights run on a clock, rather than skipping forward when you fall asleep. When you sleep in this game, time still moves forward, just the player's perception of time speeds up. So whilst this is going on you may still be visited by ghosts you don't even see.
I think this has real potential to be my best game over all.
The final game I'm working on this year is Crackhouse of Illusion, the sequel to Mazza. This is half done and has been parked for some time now. I do hope to get back to it at some point soon though.
This is probably not an exhaustive list of the games I'll be making this year. I intend to participate in ScreamJam again this year and will be making something for that in October provided I'm not burnt out from MÆRE 2. No idea what this will be yet though.
If you haven't played them, check out the original versions of the games talked about above:
and let me know which of these projects you are looking forward to and would like to hear me share more about over the coming months. :)
Head's up! Joe Biden's not in the race anymore. You're stuck with a hairy ass.
lol yeah luckily I’ve not started drawing the characters yet just the backgrounds and improved HUD.